
My writing and editing can help your customers understand exactly what you are offering and what’s in it for them. It can help you gain their trust—and their loyalty.

Loyalty is critical to your success. Whether you are promoting products, services, memberships, programs or even ideas, unless people buy—or buy into—your offer, nothing else really matters.

My writing inspires, motivates and compels action. Nothing less would do.

Plain-language writing. . .

. . .is nothing more than clear, concise and compelling writing we can all understand. Nothing more.

Here is where I put it into practice:

Advertising More than just a sales pitch, my ads will boost revenues!
Annual reports Show your true value in this most important self-reporting document.
Blogs Have lots to share but little time to share it? I can help.
Brochures Get your story out quickly and easily.
Case studies Show your best stuff to those who need to know.
Direct mail Selling a product, service, vision or idea? Fundraising? I can do that.
Email marketing I know the rules—and I know what works.
Feature articles I’ll make your products, services or programs the star attraction.
Manuals They’ll be clear, concise and easy to use.
Media kits Tell your story—convincingly.
Naming Stay top-of-mind with regular, valuable information.
Newsletters Stay top-of-mind with regular, valuable information.
News releases I will get the editor’s attention.
Presentations We will leave them cheering in the aisles.
Profiles I can help you put your best foot forward.
Speeches Need a speech that inspires action? Call me.
Taglines Not just a pithy quote. My taglines deliver benefits.
Video scripts We won’t just tell them what you do. Let’s show them!
Website content Only clear, concise and compelling content will do.
White papers Let’s put your solution in writing.

If you need content that is clear, concise and, most of all, compelling, contact me today at ron@ronjette.com or  613-850-5554 (talk or text) and I’ll make it happen. If you’d like to see samples of my work, I would be pleased to provide them. If it’s easier, just use the form to send me a note.