Website content

It doesn’t matter if you operate a janitorial business, run a government department or oversee an association for people who believe aviation is just a hoax, you need a website.

People expect you to have a place on the Internet where they can go to learn about you and what you have to offer at their leisure—and without the pressures of a salesperson looking over their shoulder.

In fact, your website may be the only “salesperson” your potential customer—or stakeholder (or believer, for that matter)—ever sees. Is it saying the right things about you?

And what about search-engine optimization (SEO)?

Of course, being found is very important. But making your site search-engine friendly is about far more that stuffing your pages full of “keywords.”

While keywords are used to index your site, the true metric for Google—right now, the most popular search engine around—is relevance. Are you providing the website content people want to find?

I make sure you do.

Whether you need a new website or you need to tune up your current site to better reflect the true value you offer, I can help. Use the form below or contact me today at or 613-850-5554 (text and talk)and I’ll make it happen.