
Advertising. Done well, it gives you and your business, government department or non-profit organization increased exposure among your audience. It can inform and educate but, most importantly, it can persuade. It can get you more business, more members, more donations.

Done not-so-well, it can be costly and a sinkhole of precious time and creative energy.

Does your ad copy have all the critical elements? Does it connect emotionally with the customer? Can you customer see the benefits of your offer? Does your advertising copy explain why they should choose you instead of one of your competitors? Does it finish with a strong call to action?

It will if I write it.

Advertising is far too expensive to take a chance on leaving out an important component. Use the form below or contact me today at or 613-850-5554 (text or talk) to make sure your advertising is on target (and on time and on budget!).